Rogers LS3/5A Classic SE speaker receives the ‘Gold Ear Award’ from theThe Absolute Sound magazine

Here are a few extracts:

"I had almost forgotten how much more natural sealed-box bass could sound relative to bass reflex. One thing is certain, unlike so many stand-mounted mini-monitors that manage to sound anemic through the upper-bass range, the Rogers manages to generate sufficient tonal weight to do justice to piano tonality.”

“The LS3/5A has weaved quite a spell over me. It has simply made it difficult to stop listening to the music, and that is a high complement, indeed. The legend lives on!”


The Rogers LS3/5A Classic SE speakers have just received an 'Editors Choice 2023 Award' badge from The Absolute Sound magazine


Rogers LS5/9 Classic SE reviewed in the April 2022 issue of The Absolute Sound magazine